Crisis: Your office is on fire
This is something none of us wants to experience. But it does happen. There’s a small fire in your office. No-one is hurt and everyone is safe. But the [...]
Cyber-crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect
Two years ago, two thirds of all organizations reported some type of incident relating to cyber-crime. That’s bound to be higher now because of the fraud opportunities created by [...]
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
While each business is unique, many companies share a number of common pain points around Information Technology (IT): Too much time spent dealing with IT infrastructure and technology [...]
Which of these phishing scams have you heard of?
You’ve heard of phishing, we’re sure. It’s where criminals send you an email, pretending to be someone else (like your bank), to try to get sensitive information from you. [...]
Repair or replace? 7 signs that you need a new computer
It’s always tempting to hold back on purchasing new IT equipment. Yet it can sometimes cost you more if you hang onto equipment for too long. Did you know [...]
Why your new PC is slowed down by bloatware
There’s no better feeling than getting a new PC. Until you start it the first time, and realize it’s full of software you didn’t want or need! This is [...]