Getting to Grips with Email Security
As a small or medium-sized business owner, it's important to understand that your company email security may be a target for cyber-attacks. In fact, statistics show that over 40% [...]
3 steps to better cloud security
Cloud services are convenient, great for remote working and packed with cool features. But how sure are you that your information is secure? We want to tell you about [...]
Your need-to-know guide to cloud security
The growth of cloud computing has completely changed how we work. But security in a cloud environment can create a long list of its own challenges. In our new [...]
8 tech trends that you need to be ready for
December is a month when many of us take time to plan our tech for the year ahead. But instead of looking at your forecasts for the next 12 [...]
3 tech trends to look out for in 2023
There are so many tech trends to choose from. Knowing which new technology to adopt in your business isn’t an easy task. Here are 3 top tech trends to [...]
How to get faster Wi-Fi in your office and for remote workers
The quickest way to upset your staff is by giving them slow access to the internet. Bad Wi-Fi quickly creates tension in the team and is a real productivity [...]