If your company is still running on Windows 10, we need to chat. Time flies, and October 2025 is closer than you think. That’s when Microsoft is pulling the plug on Windows 10 support, meaning no more updates, patches, or those crucial security fixes.

What Does This Mean for Your Albuquerque Business?

Leaving your tech on Windows 10 is like leaving your doors unlocked at night – it’s just not safe. Without those security updates, your business data becomes a prime target for cybercriminals. And trust us, they will try to take advantage.

So, What Are Your Options?

  1. Upgrade to Windows 11: If your computers are up to snuff, this is the most straightforward path.
  2. Invest in New Hardware: If your current machines aren’t Windows 11 ready, it might be time for an upgrade.
  3. Extended Security Updates: Microsoft offers paid security updates for Windows 10, but it’s a pricey Band-Aid.
  4. Do Nothing: We strongly advise against this. The risks far outweigh the cost of upgrading or getting new equipment.

We’re Your Local Tech Experts

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Our team here in Albuquerque knows the ins and outs of Windows upgrades and can guide you through the process. We’ll help you assess your options, find the best solution for your budget, and make sure everything is up and running smoothly.

Let’s keep your business secure and thriving! Give us a call today to schedule a consultation.