You know those things you hope never happen, but you’re super relieved to have when they do? Like a spare tire when you get a flat on I-25?

That’s what data backup is for your Albuquerque business.

Cyberattacks, break-ins, fires, floods—all these threats loom over your business, and any of them could wipe out your data in a flash. The impact on your business? Crippling. Losing customer info, financial records, operational data—it can bring everything to a screeching halt.

That’s why backups are non-negotiable.

But just having a backup isn’t enough. Imagine this: disaster strikes, you go to restore your data, and… it’s corrupted. All that time and effort wasted.

Enter backup testing.

Think of it like checking the air in your spare tire. You need to make sure your backups are in working order, so you can count on them when you need them most.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Manual checks: Go old-school and access backup files directly to verify they’re there and intact.
  • Verification applications: Use specialized software to run checks on your backups and ensure they’re not corrupted.
  • Test restores: The most thorough method. Actually restore a portion of your data to confirm it’s usable.

Don’t wait for a crisis to discover your backups are faulty. Regular testing is key to keeping your business data safe and sound.

Let us take the worry out of data protection.

We’ll set up and manage your backups, plus handle all the testing, so you can focus on running your business. Contact us today for a free consultation and keep your Albuquerque business protected.